My favorite place to be

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Up's and Down's of Weather Hello

Up and down, hot and cold , Rainy and sunny has me a dizzy, ringing nightmare. I can't imagine what i would be like if i wasn't on the SERC medication I think I would be a mess. With Halloween and candy all over the place which is a no-no for MD but I can't help putting my hand in the bowl of M&M jar. But after about 100 of them(I have no will power damn it) I start to feel the results of them in my head and my body becomes a dizzy mess. All of this the weather and candy all of this brings me down to that dark place. I have been home for days and feel like not even like I care to leave. I haven't slept in days the roaring in my ears keeps me awake at night and the pressure in my head feels like 2 boards are being pressed with my head between them and I just know one day my head is going to pop off..
The SERC has been a miracle this I praise God for everyday. I do have to say my vertigo is 90% better and my attacks are so much less. But my uncontrollable tinnitus is starting to wear me down. I feel extreme fatigue and exhaustion all the time. I can't concentrate and I can't remember anything and sometimes I feel disoriented (maybe because of all the hearing problems) all of this I sum up being that I AM MENTALLY TERRIFIED!
Right now with the weather I have muscle and joint pain and malaise due to the atmospheric pressure changes. all of this I am experiencing high anxiety and I get scared that I am going to be someplace by myself and that I will have an attack. I think that is why I am staying home and don't want to go anywhere. This isn't me, this isn't who I am .. where did I go?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tinnitus Ring Ring......

I have this constant sound in my right ear it never goes away for two years. It started as a high ring and then has moved to this jet roar. Imagine hearing an unpleasant sound all day long. That's enough to drive anyone crazy. Its part of have MD and for me it never seems to go away and on most day I can handle but there are days that I just can't handle it and it gets me down ever herd of a head drill ?? yeah those are the bad days.. Now with the weather turning into fall the nights and mornings are cool and the day are warm and the low pressures are just killing me. I still think the Serc is working its magic on the Vertigo the spinning is in control and my energy is up. I can't sit here and complain about everything because no one would listen to me anyway right . Of course I have given up on all the good stuff my favorite things chocolate and coffee latte's ohh man stupid disease all of these things caffine is a stimuate which makes makes my jet roaring rining worse.. but if its not getting better without the caffine i am going to eat all the damn chocolate i want pretty soon because I can't see it getting any worse than it is. But what about the roaring in my ears any thoughts anyone out there have any ideas how to get the roaring in my ear to go back down to a slight ring ?? I am listening anyone ?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Flashing light and MD don't mix

In las Vegas high pressure zone i felt different for sure even getting off the plane i was different the pressure in the head felt not as hard and the ringing in my ears wasn't as roaring as it is in kansas. So I knew right off the bat that this vacation was going to be great for me and maybe my MD was going to take a vacation itself. But the flashing lights of the sin city did seem to make my MD come alive and i started to get dizzy. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be as long as I didn't look at the light to long and kept my head down but then going into the casino's the carpet made my head dizzy and I looked up and it made my head dizzy OMG not to long its time to go .. Over all I flet the high pressure zone of where Las vegas is it made it easier on me to have a great time even with the flashing lights that Las vegas has to offer. 8 weeks on SERC and going its been wonderful my VERTIGO is down my attacks are to a min when i have them .. The rining in my ears well still there and still driving me nuts ! but at least I am up and not in bed ..

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall Blessings = SERC 4 weeks

I know its fall here in Kansas when in the morning the air is crisp and you can see just a bit of your breath. But most of all I know Fall is here when the days are bright with light and the late summer storms have passed and I for just a moment have had some really awesome days. I have always loved the seasons each one that comes and goes they take so long and we are always ready and waiting in excitement almost to see the next one come. But I like alot of my friends out there I am sure have always been to busy to see the awe in the seasons. Fall has come to where I live and the days have been just wonderful and I have taken full advantage of them because I don't feel so out of it so dizzy and my world for a moment has stopped spinning so fast and its passed me by. Its been a month since I have been on SERC for my MD and I have seen some great results. Just this past week I have noticed that I am not so heavy headed and I am not slurring my words like I have been. I seem to be keeping a conversation longer periods of time and with this weather my bed has only been slept in at night. I have 4 more week to go on SERC until I see the specialist at KU but for now I feel that its been working for me more than anything else that I have been put on. And I will say this much it doesn't put me out it sorta gives me a funny energized feeling like the blood it pumping through my body really fast which is what it is to do. Granted I have had bad days but they don't seem to be lasting as long only about 5 or 10 hours and I seem to be able to make it through without being totally drugged up and put out of my misery. Since I have stopped and slowed down and started to enjoy and see the beauty in every minute I have when I feel good (and good might be just standing up and not feeling like I was at the bar all night for to long) I have peace in my heart and content in my life and I am grateful for the small moments in my life. I feel like it is a vital necessity that I line up my thoughts with God's thoughts. I don't ever give up and I pray and yell at him for help if I have to. But little by little I feel like I am changing and the more I change the more my life will change for the better. I know there is a plan for me its a hard one to understand.. But today LORD again even thought I woke up with ringing in my ears so loud like a jet plane at least the say is bright and I am up ..