My favorite place to be

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tinnitus Ring Ring......

I have this constant sound in my right ear it never goes away for two years. It started as a high ring and then has moved to this jet roar. Imagine hearing an unpleasant sound all day long. That's enough to drive anyone crazy. Its part of have MD and for me it never seems to go away and on most day I can handle but there are days that I just can't handle it and it gets me down ever herd of a head drill ?? yeah those are the bad days.. Now with the weather turning into fall the nights and mornings are cool and the day are warm and the low pressures are just killing me. I still think the Serc is working its magic on the Vertigo the spinning is in control and my energy is up. I can't sit here and complain about everything because no one would listen to me anyway right . Of course I have given up on all the good stuff my favorite things chocolate and coffee latte's ohh man stupid disease all of these things caffine is a stimuate which makes makes my jet roaring rining worse.. but if its not getting better without the caffine i am going to eat all the damn chocolate i want pretty soon because I can't see it getting any worse than it is. But what about the roaring in my ears any thoughts anyone out there have any ideas how to get the roaring in my ear to go back down to a slight ring ?? I am listening anyone ?